Game Description
Dance Mat Typing Stage 4
Keys: t and y.
Stage 4 focuses on the row above the home row, i.e. the upper row on your keyboard. It consists of the letters q, w, e, r, t, y, u, i, o, and p. However, from amongst these, we have already covered the keys e, r, u, and i, in Level 1. So, the remaining keys are focused on in this level, beginning with Stage 4 that covers the keys t and y.
Like previously, Stage 4 takes start with reviews of the stages of the past level. Users first go through their test of home row, then get to using e and i keys as well as the r and u keys that were in Stages 2 and 3 respectively. It is necessary to be a little fluent with using the e, r, u, and i keys as they are in the top row.
Then comes the t and y keys that are the main course of Dance Mat Typing, Stage 4. The t rests on the left side of the keyboard the left hand operates t and the right operate y. The t key is pressed using the pointer finger, so it uses f, g r, and t keys. Similarly, the right hand’s pointer finger operates j, h, u, and y keys. The score and progress in Stage 4 uses fruits to help you see how far you have gotten.